The penguin band has finally arrived! I will take you through a tour of cp! First, on the main page, you will see this!
Our tour will start at the town! The party is called music jam 08!
Next, we enter the dimly lit coffee shop... OOoOOO ahhhhhhhhh. There is nothing in the book room.
Next we move on to the night club. It has the new dj3k game in it. I will show you the game in a minute, but for now, ustairs!!!
Yee haw! It's a western green screen adventure in the dance lounge!
Moving on to the plaza, there is a free music jam 08 t-shirt for you! Now into the pizza parlor!
Inside the pizza parlor, you can find elvis' golden records, and a neon clock, also, some of his outfits too! And there is a weird looking tv coming out of the left wall.......
Here at the forest, it is like the old days with some good ol country music!
Here at the cove, there is a hawiian party going on, and free maracas in the corner! Now lets swim across the ocean!
The pengin band is this year playing at the ice burg! They are all wearing cowboy hats though....
Here at the snow forts, in that little booth.......... suprise! The backstage pass! And, not to mention, some pretty cool shirts!
In the ice rink, there is a stage and all that stuff, but I bet you didn't notice the melted ice!
Orca straw... classic. If you dont get it, they mean orchestra. (Or-ki-stra-) lol
Click on the red button on the wall and confetti will fly everywhere on the stage!
Now for my favorite room of all time! The dock! Here after you buy your backstage passes, you can go backstage!!!!!
Yay! backstage! here you can buy instruments!
And a new one! The bass guitar!
Moving on to the Dojo! Which ever color tile you stand on, that instrument plays!
The piano is just like the dojo, step on a key and it plays that note. Also flip the switch and your friends can play too!
Hmmm.. Musical icicles... Ok?
That concludes our tour! Thanks for coming along! BYE!!
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