Friday, July 4, 2008


If you havent noticed, I renamed my site. It is now named, Club Penguined. I just like the name better.

Come on people!

I still have no submissions to the contest. Are you seiriously not going to enter any pictures? Come on! You Get a free one month membership and 5000 coins! What more do you people want??!?!?!?! Do you want a six month membership? Comment and tell me!

The kissing puffles

I went to a penguins house and her puffles were kissing! lol!

(Not an edit)

Clothing cataloge and new pin

Happy Fourth of July!! The Clothing cataloge and a new pin came out today! Here are the secrets:

Click on Elvis penguins belt buckle to get the red viking helmet. Open and close the cheat 4 times to get the blue viking helmet.
Click on the meter on the divers suit to get the diving helmet.
Click on the emerald hat's ribbon, to get the crystal staff
The Backgrounds are all old except one. The New Disco one. :(
The Fireworks Rocket Pin is In The Umbrella at the cove.