Monday, June 30, 2008

Picture contest!!

I am holding my first contest ever! It is a funny picture contest. Whoever sends in the funniest picture ever, Will win! If you win.......

1. Your picture and Club penguin name will be featured on the blog.
2. I will make a funny picture about your penguin and post it on my blog.
3. You will get 5000 coins!
4. You will get a free one month membership to clubpenguin!!


1. It has to do with club penguin.
2. It has to be funny
3. It has to be a picture.
4. Minimum of 10 entries

You only have untill July 31, so get started! Send, Send, Send!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Piclejuce is my best freind, here are a couple of pictures of me and him.

Death of a penguin

Dead penguin alert: If you forget to buy clothes for your penguins, it will DIE!

P.S Click on this picture to make it bigger

How i tried to tip the ice burg.....

I tried to tip the ice burg.... it didn't turn out the way i thought it would.....

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Making the picture bigger

Did you know that if you click on some of my pictures in the blog, they go to another screen and are alot bigger??? Well now you do!

My Penguin

Here's my penguin:

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Mission 8 cheat guide!

Mission 8:
1. Talk to Gary the gadget guy. (Let's call him G)
2. Next, go to the Dock. You will then see the Polar Bear. Talk to him and he will tell you some of his plans. Klutsy will drop a lantern, so pick it up.
3. Go back to G and Talk to him. Pick up the brown fedora hat in the background after you have finished talking. Also, pick up the tan hammer in the background.
4. Go to the Town. Talk to the pink penguin. Then go to the Snow Forts. The paper should then get stuck on the orange flag on the Fort closest to you. Click on it and it will fly into the Plaza. Go to the Plaza.
5. The piece of the map got stuck in the green penguin’s newspaper. Talk to him.
6. Go to the Pizza Parlor. Talk to the pizza chef. Order the meat pizza with grey fish. Then go back to the Plaza.
7. Give the pizza to the green penguin who is waiting in the line. In exchange, he will give you the piece of the map. Put it in your inventory. Seperate the map from the newspaper. You will now see a piece of the map icon to the right of the map.
8. Next go to the Coffee Shop. Talk to the brown penguin. When talking to him, tell him you will help pick up the cookies. Click the cookies that are on the ground and drag and drag them into the jar. Go back. The brown penguin will now give you a free cookie. Put it in your inventory.
9. Go to the Town. Click on the green puffle. It will say the puffle looks sad. From your inventory, give the green puffle the brown fedora hat and the cookie. The puffle will fly up and grab the second part of the map. Put it in your inventory. Then put the peices of the map together.
10. Go to the Lighthouse. Talk to the orange penguin with the balloons. Click the first option. You will then be allowed to take the box of balloons. Put them in your inventory.
11. On the left, there is another penguin. Talk to him. Click the second option and he will tell you you can take a barrel, but be careful. Do not shake the barrel or you will have to get another one, because the one you shook up will explode. Put it in your inventory.
12. Scroll to the left again and you should see a fishing net next to a ship wheel. Put it in your inventory.
13. Go to the sports shop. You should see a camping tent and a box of pegs. Click on the tent pegs and put them in your inventory.
14. Then go to the Dock. Scroll all the way to the left until you see the hole that the Polar Bear made. Click in it. Scroll to the right. You will then see the two tunnels.
15. First, Go in the right tunnel, then left, then left again, then right, then left, then right.
16. Shake the bottle so that it won’t explode. (To shake the bottle, click on it from your inventory and then shake!) Then place it under the Gift Shop. The cream soda will then lift the Shop up. Next place the fishing net under it. Then the pegs and finally hammer it all down!
17. When the yellow words alert you that there is something blocking the door, use your wrench on your spy phone to undo it.
If you want a gift, do this.
On the machine that the Polar Bear used, take out your wrench. Unscrew the gear and then put it in your inventory.
Then, do the following:
18. Go into the room on the left. You will then meet the Polar Bear and Klutzy. Talk to the Polar Bear. After all of the talking, he will hit the boiler. Now you have to fix it! G will then call on your Spy Phone and tell you that there are some weird signals coming from the Boiler Room. This will lead you straight to fixing the boiler.
19. The object of the game is to connect two pipes together. You do not need to use all of the pieces though. Click on a piece and click on another and you will swap the pieces.
20. When you are finished, go back and then your phone will ring again. Answer it. It will be G. He says to go back to the HQ. Talk to G. Then give him the Prima Gear stuff.
Yay, you just beat mission 8!!!

sports catalouge cheats

The new sports cataloge came out and the only cheat is the cleats. Click on the soccer ball to get them.

Rockhopper Has returned!

Rockhopper came yesterday, but his stuff is pretty much all old stuff.
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Sunday, June 22, 2008


I am leaving tomorrow to go to camp. I will be gone from June 23 to June 27. I am going to miss alot!!! :(

Newspaper photo secret

If you go to the summer sneak peak page in the newspaper, you can move the pictures aound! It looks like a red verses blue snow war, penguin mail, rockhopper returning, new clothing and furniture, tubas, an aqua grabber update and the superhero play returning! Sounds like a fun summer!

A hidden message from G

G has sent yet another secret message to us agents. If the picture is too small for you to read, it says this:

Picture has been analyzed and confermed to be suspect at large #2 alias klutzy, known acomplace of Herbert P. Bear. Reason for presence in the mine is unknown, the PSA is investigating.


Be careful though! It self destructs!!!

Catalouge Cheats

Click on the painting to get the lava lamp!

Click on the sea weed to get the clam! Click on the beach towl to get the inflatable dragon!

My igloo

Just wanted you to see what my igloo looks like right now. It is a movie theater!


There has been an earthquake in the town! Klutsy might be behind this!