Thursday, July 3, 2008

Rockhopper was on his ship today on artic

Today as i was in the town, some nice little penguin told me rockhopper was in his ship. So i went. And there he was! I asked him if he wanted to go to the forts and he replied "Argg! Then Waddle!" ( As you can see in the picture below. I have met him about ten times and have the background and the eyepatch. (Which he gave away for free in one of his item catalouge things


If you were wondering, piclejuce wont be posting at all times, just whenever he wants to. I can still post too!


Hey guys! This is picle juce! I will be posting too! Hope you enjoy my posts as much as you like themaster's!

Picture contest reminder

So far i have had no picture contest entries... So i am raising the bar:

1. A free one month membership to clubpenguin.
2. Penguin king of the month
3. 5000 coins!!!

Hurry! You only have untill the end of july!!!
Send pictures to

Word search

Here is the word search cheats for the new newspaper